更多>>Statek Corporation
来源:http://www.konuaer.com 作者:kanghuaer 2023年08月30
Statek与姐妹公司AdTech Ceramics和Greenray Industries,Inc .保持着协同关系,这两家公司都是其行业中的领导者。请在线访问他们,了解更多关于他们卓越能力的信息。
Statek公司提供全系列的石英晶体、振荡器和传感器,频率范围为1 Hz至250 MHz。Statek晶振产品主要应用于航空航天和国防、医疗仪器和植入物以及工业、石油和天然气生产等领域,主要产品焦点是低g灵敏度、高冲击和振动、低老化、紧密稳定性、辐射电阻和宽温度范围。 In 1970, Statek Corporation was the first to use semiconductor technology such as photolithography, chemical etching and micromachining to manufacture quartz resonators in wafer form. Today, Statek remains at the forefront of innovation in the design, development and manufacturing of highly reliable, ultra-miniature quartz-based frequency control products.
Innovative in-house design, production and testing capabilities make possible not only rapid new product development and validation, but also continuous improvement of key product features such as low acceleration sensitivity, high shock, tight calibration tolerance, low aging, radiation resistance, and highly stable frequencies at increasingly higher operating temperatures.
Statek maintains synergistic relationships with sister companies AdTech Ceramics and Greenray Industries, Inc., each a leader in its industry. Visit them online to learn more about their exceptional capabilities.
Statek与姐妹公司AdTech Ceramics和Greenray Industries,Inc .保持着协同关系,这两家公司都是其行业中的领导者。请在线访问他们,了解更多关于他们卓越能力的信息。
Statek公司提供全系列的石英晶体、振荡器和传感器,频率范围为1 Hz至250 MHz。Statek晶振产品主要应用于航空航天和国防、医疗仪器和植入物以及工业、石油和天然气生产等领域,主要产品焦点是低g灵敏度、高冲击和振动、低老化、紧密稳定性、辐射电阻和宽温度范围。 In 1970, Statek Corporation was the first to use semiconductor technology such as photolithography, chemical etching and micromachining to manufacture quartz resonators in wafer form. Today, Statek remains at the forefront of innovation in the design, development and manufacturing of highly reliable, ultra-miniature quartz-based frequency control products.
Innovative in-house design, production and testing capabilities make possible not only rapid new product development and validation, but also continuous improvement of key product features such as low acceleration sensitivity, high shock, tight calibration tolerance, low aging, radiation resistance, and highly stable frequencies at increasingly higher operating temperatures.
Statek maintains synergistic relationships with sister companies AdTech Ceramics and Greenray Industries, Inc., each a leader in its industry. Visit them online to learn more about their exceptional capabilities.
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