来源:http://www.konuaer.com 作者:kanghuaer 2023年08月25
自1986年以来,ACT——前身为Advanced Crystal Technology——已经发展成为高性能频率控制产品的领先设计伙伴.通过新的合作伙伴关系定制频率解决方案 我们与埃斯特林研究和设计(ERD)的合作伙伴关系使我们能够推动高精度振荡器技术的发展。这些突破性产品为TCXOs和OCXOs树立了新标准,创造了当今市场上最高性能、最精确的振荡器技术。我们还拥有强大的频率控制产品组合,包括石英晶体,时钟振荡器,TCXO和滤波器。作为discoverIE Group plc的一部分,并通过我们的独立分销合作伙伴,ACT可以在全球范围内支持您的频率控制要求。
ACT晶振公司不仅仅是频率控制,还有工程主导的技术支持 、定制设计/非标准频率 、晶体和微控制器匹配服务、样本股票、位于英国的内部技术实验室、广泛而成熟的全球分销网络、全面的售后支持、存货管理 、ISO9001和TS16949认证、灵活性–周转时间快、最低起订量低等优势。
Since 1986 ACT – formerly Advanced Crystal Technology – have evolved into a leading design partner for high-performance frequency control products.Our partnership with Esterline Research and Design (ERD) enables us to push the boundaries of high-precision oscillator technology. These breakthrough products set new standards for TCXOs and OCXOs, creating the highest-performance and most accurate oscillator technology in the marketplace today.We also have a robust frequency control product portfolio, including crystals, clock oscillators, TCXOs and filters.As part of discoverIE Group plc and via our independent distribution partners, ACT can support your frequency control requirements on a global basis.
ACT晶振公司不仅仅是频率控制,还有工程主导的技术支持 、定制设计/非标准频率 、晶体和微控制器匹配服务、样本股票、位于英国的内部技术实验室、广泛而成熟的全球分销网络、全面的售后支持、存货管理 、ISO9001和TS16949认证、灵活性–周转时间快、最低起订量低等优势。
Since 1986 ACT – formerly Advanced Crystal Technology – have evolved into a leading design partner for high-performance frequency control products.Our partnership with Esterline Research and Design (ERD) enables us to push the boundaries of high-precision oscillator technology. These breakthrough products set new standards for TCXOs and OCXOs, creating the highest-performance and most accurate oscillator technology in the marketplace today.We also have a robust frequency control product portfolio, including crystals, clock oscillators, TCXOs and filters.As part of discoverIE Group plc and via our independent distribution partners, ACT can support your frequency control requirements on a global basis.
We are more than just frequency control
- Engineering-led technical support
- Custom designs / non-standard frequencies
- Crystal and microcontroller matching service
- Sample stock
- In-house technical laboratory based in the UK
- Extensive and established global distribution networkComprehensive after-sales support
- Inventory management
- ISO9001 and TS16949 certified
- Flexibility – fast turnaround time, low MOQs
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